July 25-26 Weekend Worship – What More?

How often has Jesus shown you personally through seemingly miraculous events that He is in fact Lord of your life?

Perhaps you can remember your intense gratitude to Jesus when he provided for you when you were out of options. Maybe you can remember how you proclaimed on that day of rescue how you would never doubt or forget his saving hand in your life. But as time goes by and the next overwhelming situation arises, our memory fades and fear takes over our heart. The same thing happened to the disciples. No sooner had they seen Jesus perform a miracle by feeding 5000 men, but that very night, they were rescued again in a boat that was being tossed about by wind and waves. Then when Jesus walks on the water and entered the boat, calming the tempest, they are utterly astounded at what Jesus did. Can you imagine Jesus saying “Really? What more? What more do I need to do to show you that I am God and Lord of all?” Is he saying that to you? Let’s talk about that at worship this weekend.

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